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frequently asked questions

Not at all - just add your photos & videos above, and we'll take care of the rest 💗

We print a screenshot of each video in the book. And whenever you tap your phone on the video screenshot printed on the page, the video starts playing on your phone. We also fit actual screens into your book for luxury books, please start a chat with us to learn more 💗

All you have to do is share your wishbook link with whoever wants to post! We'll send you an email template and an SMS/WhatsApp template with your card link that you can edit and forward along if you'd like 💗

Once you finish collecting your wishes, your book is delivered in around 10 business days. The whole process starting from order to delivery usually takes around 20 days, but depends on how quickly you collect the wishes 💗

Yes, please! If you start a chat with us, we can help you get the best price (and collect the photos / videos for you) 💗

Yes, but we do have to charge a shipping fee (it's usually ~$20). Please contact us for exact pricing 💗